
How to make a TV ad?

How to make a TV ad?

You've decided to advertise a TV, you've set a budget for promotions, and you've identified your agency. If it is already a company that does this type of work, the agency with which it works before, speaks to the new plan and works with it. But if you are preparing for such a presentation for the first time, you need to find a company that can handle this and have worked with TVs before.

1- Determination of Brief
After the agency is determined, a briefing is given to the agent who will be working on the television advertisement. More broadly; the purpose and objectives of this media are briefly explained to the agency.
At the beginning, the company gives the authorities a brief to the agency. The status of the product or service in the market, the situation of the competitors and the products, the target audience of the target, the economic situation of the target audience, are explained with the visuals. Briefly describes what is targeted.

2- Television Advertising Scenario
After the briefing given by the company, the agency starts to investigate it with its own team. One of the most important elements of the production phase is writing scripts. First of all, the scenario of the film should be written by the company according to the budget allocated for this study. Because the cost of a 30 second film is different from the costs of a 50 second film. In addition to the costs of broadcasting within the same budget, construction costs should be considered.

In a very short time, a scenario that does not create any confusion should be prepared. The message should attract attention, keep in mind. However, the scenario should also fit the company's corporate identity and capture the target audience.

3) Production (Production) Stage
The next stage is the production stage. The production is all stages in the presentation of the product to be marketed. In short, after the preliminary preparation of the film is completed, the film is under construction. Player selection, space, costumes are done at this stage.

4- Selection of Director
After the script is written, the proposal is taken from the film production companies. Each production company recommends one or more directors to the agency. Each director 's presentation is followed, the subject is discussed with the acclaimed director. If an agreement is made, other works will be carried out for construction.
A lot of preparation is needed after this point. Player options are focused on.
Then a pre-production meeting will be held with the company that will give the television advertisement, the preliminary preparations are reviewed and film shooting starts.

5- Publishing
After the shootings are finished, the film comes to the stage of publication. The publication section is a very detailed subject. Before the film is released, the media plan should be made. Some agencies also do media planning or there are only media planning agencies.

When the publication is in progress, the company gives a brief to the company that will carry out the media planning business. According to the target audience and the customer, the age groups, genders, and the economic life standards according to the socio-economic groups should be determined in detail.
The media planning agency prepares a detailed plan after receiving the brief. It is determined on which television channel, when and how long the TV ad will be broadcast. If a series is to be broadcasted in a multi-track series, the end of the series is finished, in the middle, is decided to be published. This requires very careful work. After the approval of the company, the reservation is made and the film is displayed on the television.

6- Evaluation of Television Film
The final stage is the evaluation phase. The results are evaluated after the movie is broadcast on television channels within the determined period. If the customer has achieved their goals, the business is successful. It is an indication that the promotion rate is successful, that the brand awareness rate increases, the consumer likes the product in the long term and it is successful to start to use the promoted product.

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