
Radio Jingle Voice

Radio Jingle Voice

Jingle (Cingil) is a short ad with or without verbal or non-verbal, melodic or melodic backgrounds that may vary depending on the place of use.

Radio stations generally use Jingle preferences throughout the world, Slogan, the name of the radio and the slogan of the radio in a short and effective way. In doing so, they usually prefer melodic infrastructures.

Jingle, sweeper and teaser are among the most important elements to distinguish a radio from the others.

These small advertisements, which will often reach the audience during the day, should be a well thought-out production infrastructure and should be preferred by supporting melodies and production effects. For example, playing a song that starts at a very low tempo after a fast-starting, fast-running and fast-ending song may disrupt song integrity and harmony on the radio without using Jingle; A proper Jingle, however, doesn't make sense to your audience. The fast-ending melody of the song begins with a slow start, and the slow pace of the 7-8-second Jingle will play back the slowness of the song.

All these are the productions made by radio programmers to consistently call the name of the radio, the content of the activity to be promoted, and to create beautiful colors in the broadcast stream.

Phone Announcements

Phone Prompt Voiceover

IVR Voiceover

English Voice Over

German Voice Over

French Voice Over

Voice Bank