
How to Talk Against the Microphone or Camera?

How to Talk Against the Microphone or Camera?

The biggest obstacle we face in the face of the community, the microphone or the camera, is fear and excitement. Every job that we do for the first time creates enthusiasm and fear. Extreme cortisol is secreted in the circulatory system in proportion to the tension in fear. This situation prevents the flow of thought. People lose their positive feelings at this time. More advanced levels and even the whole body will vibrate. Heart attack and blood circulation is accelerated. Behavioral control becomes difficult. If this problem is advanced, man cannot afford to look at others; her head vibrates, almost like her brain is severed from the outside world. At the moment of fear, a person feels an internal concern in the heart. To get rid of this situation as soon as possible to get away from the environment, to do what he wants to do is forced to give up. Also worry or fear causes the speaker to lose credibility.

Some people have developed a sense of fear. These often heard concerns feed on each other and develop their ability to worry: One begins to worry about the smallest problem. The fear and anxiety at the advanced level is extremely destructive for the nervous system.
All successful speakers are excited when they come out in public. Every human being can defeat fear and anxiety without exception. However, they should review all their beliefs and do a series of exercises. The reasons for fear are explained one by one. In order to eliminate these causes, a number of exercises were prepared in the next section. You can perform some of these exercises alone. However, if you do this in the face of society, you will achieve faster.

Among the reasons of basic fear are the repressed childhood, the constant stress and diseases, the long-term working in a non-social business environment, the belief in failure, the weakness of memory, the lack of a word to say.

Print Full Childhood

Childhood and youth period, excessive family authority, oppression, violence, beating events can occur. When it goes above normal and continues with a certain continuity, this situation produces a deeply rooted introversion and discouragement in the psychology of the person. Under pressure and violence, the child loses his or her confidence. Personality on the one hand reacts, on the other hand depend on others develop. The image of failure is established in the lower consciousness of the constantly humiliated child. It is not possible to destroy this image without any special effort under normal conditions. if you have excessive excitement, you should destroy them with radical changes.

Continuous Stress and Diseases

Occasionally, though severe, stress and diseases do not have a permanent negative psychological effect. Even when they are short-term and temporary, they can increase the joy and excitement of human life.
However, if stress (and stress-producing diseases) are experienced for a long period of time, there is an improvement: The blood circulation system is constantly secreted by the cortisol hormone. This secretion quickly transforms the body into a dump. Stress keeps the body stretched and ready for attack. Therefore, when this pollution is not cleaned by proper methods, the nervous system, which is under extreme pressure, gets tired. If this fatigue continues uninterrupted, human can go to death. The body takes an automatic measure against this condition. The chain of command between the brain and the body is weakened. Because one has the habit of thought, which produces tension and destroys the body. In this case the body numb the body in a sense to save the body from going to death, the body relaxes and relaxes. But this relief also destroys the flow of thought. In this process, the thought flow is blocked, the recall is weakened, the forgetfulness manifests itself, the person is overwhelmed with internal problems.

All this again shakes the person's self-confidence, people away from people. Thus, a dimension of fear such as failure, self-blame, humiliation emerges.

However, the stress of the disease is caused by the human way of thinking. If a person sees the disease as an opportunity that matures, his body may suffer, but he may not experience devastating stress as his psychology is intact.

Antisocial Business Environment

There are some jobs or work environments that keep people away from society due to their nature. For example, those who are constantly on the computer to do business and work in the outside world is severely broken. Their minds are well covered by the virtual environment provided by the computer world. Some factories can trap work in front of a particular machine. In the meantime, nighttime sleepers who work in the night and often have a social structure (non-social). On the other hand, professions such as managerial, marketing, teaching and prescribing force people to become social.

When people incarcerate themselves away from society, their brains become accustomed to this environment. Their ability to address different people weakens. Their clutches are limited to their internal references. They're bored to open up to society and talk to people. Their personalities develop on the axis of introvert and individuality. Therefore, when they need to speak in front of the community, they feel a great fear and excitement. However, by developing various hobbies, those who are involved in additional social activities can prevent this bad course.

Faith of Failure

Even though none of the above conditions exist, people may still be afraid to speak in public. An important reason for this is the failure of the image of failure. The meaning that man places on every behavior is sent as an order to his sub-consciousness. A person trying to achieve a job may not always achieve the desired result. This is for everyone. But when some people can't get the result, they think they are failing and blame themselves. These charges are repeated several times. As a result, without realizing, human beings have subjugated their subconscious consciousness. This is a very limiting pattern. Because once a person automates this belief, that belief leads him to fail in almost every job. Whatever we believe, our brains will continue to make merciless efforts to verify it.

People who have settled in the lower consciousness of ”I fail yaş believe that insan I can achieve this time, insan but often they are worried that inde I cannot succeed”. This concern weakens your attention, bringing your mind closer to negative consequences. These possible negative results reduce the resistance to endurance and resistance. One feels weak. This weakness and the uneasiness that he brings bring him to the point of ir to give up Bu. So the person really fails. Speaking in front of society is a courageous achievement. As the belief of failure will discourage, one cannot speak against the society. Even when it comes to the possibility of failure, it experiences deep fear or anxiety.
You Have Nothing To Say
The last factor that hinders speaking in the face of society is the lack of a word to say. Of course, if we don't know what to say, we'll hang out when we talk. We have experienced this many times. So we don't dare talk when we're not sure of our thoughts.

There may be several reasons why a person has no words to say, which is a very comprehensive problem. Most fundamentally, this is because the person is not a good reader. People get 80% of their knowledge through reading. The information of people who never read is very limited. In addition, these people cannot produce new meanings and perspectives by associating their knowledge with each other. However, people may have personal experiences other than reading. They may have thought about these experiences. In this case there is information. A person who does not have a word to speak is one who is interested in very few subjects and is not interested in anything except himself. Because it can only be said to others when it comes to others. People who are not interested in others and who do not think about general problems have poor brain activity. Therefore, they are worried about what to say when asked to speak about such people. This concern breaks your courage to talk.

Uncontrollable memory

A very weak memory is one of the most important reasons for losing one's confidence and being afraid of talking. Because the speaker does not dare to speak as he thinks that his memory will not help him when he emerges and that he can forget what to say. Essentially people with very low memory give a sign of a significant disease. Lack of memory is often a symptom of mental disability, not a symptom of a disease. Mental laziness is caused by lack of concentration. Lack of concentration is due to intrusion or stress. Thus, as the person relaxes, the ability to concentrate increases; this increases the memory's natural working rhythm.

A person who is sufficiently mentally and emotionally concentrated on the subject he / she will speak can surely say on that subject. However, we will still focus on some techniques that will make our memory stronger and help us a lot. Those who want to have a perfect memory should know that they can develop the memory they desire in a short time with a persistent work.

Resolving fear

If you have not spoken in the presence of hundreds of thousands of people, you will be excited every time. Sometimes your excitement is so great that they can't take you to the stand with chains.
Be sure of yourself. You will beat fear and excitement very easily. If you really want to know this already: When you go out in public, your heart will be calm and your eyes will be bright.
You will create your work in three main sections. You can not forget. Fears are the result of automated programs in your mind. When they are created, these programs are activated like a plaque. If you do not break the plate and replace it, the old one continues to play. Worst of all, the recordings you play regularly become stronger and deeper.

We will destroy our fears by working in three key areas. The first field is the area with words. One dimension of thoughts forms words. If we have fears, they are built with words. We will solve this section with the ”Sentence-Suggestive System Bu.

Images form the second dimension of our thoughts. How do you portray yourself? As a man trembling with fear? Like a brave face with a smile on his face? The word ”is what he thinks. Is true. Change this expression. How can one see himself in his imagination the most? We need to change the image films about ourselves. Let's call this work area ”Image Suggestion System Bu. We will use a third dimension üçüncü behavior ”when trying to defeat fear. All thoughts of words or images turn into action when repeated. Action is attitude, attitude. It is our attitude that reinforces the patterns in our brain. Because when thought turns into attitude, all our perceptions come into play. You hear what you do when you act, you see and you touch them. Let us express our work in this section with the concept of “Attitude Suggestion System Bu. Now you're ready to build your proud grand personality. you'll see how you're changing at an exciting pace when you continue to work with us in the heart of it. Here we go:

Sentence Suggested

It is the belief system that provides the continuity of fear and anxiety from talking about society. Every information we receive, every experience we experience affects and reshapes our belief system. In this section, we mention the most important of these beliefs.
- I'm not talented enough
- People who do this job are superior to me
- I've always failed.
It's not my job to do this with others.
These basic beliefs can be found in you more or less. For everyone, these are absolutely false beliefs. Unfortunately, the majority of people have been doomed to lose their lives because they have acquired these false beliefs. Note: Beliefs always confirm themselves. Whatever we believe, all of the material spiritual forces work to verify us. Now we will explain why the above beliefs are not true. Please read these comments over and over again. Even if you memorize these explanations, continue reading. The aim is not just learning. The basic aim is to ensure that the correct belief is locked into your lower consciousness. Because your beliefs are the words you say to yourself many times. Now you have to put the right beliefs by saying the right words to yourself. If you read these explanations sufficiently and continue to think about what they are told, your new beliefs will be registered in your subconscious within a month. If you want to change more quickly, you should use the system described in the tele-therapy cassettes every day.
According to the sentence suggestion system, we will give new sentence orders that will quickly configure our subconscious. The molds in our lower consciousness were already composed of such sentence orders. Orders must have certain characteristics to be able to settle strongly. Let's list these properties:

1- Deep Relaxation: You should relax all your muscular systems. (See Appendix.) In the seminar environment, your server will show you the deep relaxation. The deeper you are, the more deep and permanent your orders are.
2- Sentence Structure: The sentence structure should be simple enough. You must make short sentences. The sentence should only be in the current time mode. Sub-consciousness takes into account the past or future time words in the past or future time. The past has always passed and the future will always come. The subconscious does not understand the negative orders or, on the contrary, understands only positive orders.
3- Development Continuity: The structure of sentence should include continuity and evolution of development. Depending on the repetition of any event, better status should be expressed. So, let's criticize the following sentences:
LeşI am developing every day as a person who wants to be successful, step by step and fast to perfect. (Sentence is too long, orders disappear.)
-I do not smoke. (Time mode is correct, but the sentence is negative.)
–I'll study a lot. (There is no development link. There is a future time error. Altogether, the order of sub-consciousness is always cast into the future.)
Orum I smile more every day and every breath. (Length is enough. The present is used right now. The development is connected to every day and every breath. That is the best sentence suggestion. "Every morning I wake up more vigorous."
You may encounter difficulties about the negative aspects that you want to destroy when creating instances. How are you going to take the old ones away?
I'm angry k I'm not angry.
I'm smoking m I don't smoke.
The solution is not the negation of words. instead you have to choose positive opposite meaningful words.
You want to not be angry ors I'm calmer.
You do not want to smoke —————- I stop smoking.
In this section, we must first eliminate the false beliefs that hinder our overall success. Then we will form the basis for the idea of true beliefs. we will do the exercises to encode the basis of these ideas.

Wrecking Beliefs
I am not talented enough
You were entrusted with a life of 24 hours a day such as Edison or Einstein. You are carrying a wonderful brain mechanism that is formed from an equal number of billions of nerve cells until you die like all other people in your skull. Just like everyone else, you have been sent to the world with the ability to absorb only milk, and you have learned everything in the world. You have such great potential that even if you do millions of jobs, you still use one or two per thousand of your brain capacity. Nobody has been created with superior abilities. You were not created with superior abilities from anyone. So why are some people climbing to the top? Why do values such as sympathy, charisma, wealth, fame remain only in the hands of some people? If you are a physicist, why not an Einstein or Abdusselam? Why don't you go beyond Shakeasper, who is still bright in history, if you are a literary writer?
The only means by which human beings have the potential superiority is “knowledge“ and an education kav based on knowledge. When you study yourself, you will not find any skills that are not based on knowledge. Hz without reading-writing. Isn't it surprising that the first command mentioned in the Qur'an is the “read'an? Today we get 80% of our information through reading.
You're too good to be worthy of a mediocrity that is dragging yourself in the floods. It is in your hands to reach the ”great you“ that lives in your dreams. No one can add a minute to 24 hours a day. But you can fit a day into a 10-day job. How much did you invest in your personal skills to this day?
You can hear a variety of appeal voices rising from your mind; Do you underestimate our claims? Then what would you say to the following statements?

People who succeed in this business are superior to me
You mislead yourself. Anthony Robbins once said. At the age of 20, he worked as a housekeeper in a hotel. He was poor and uneducated. When his suffering afflicted him, he decided to change his life radically. First he went on a quick reading course and then studied 700 books in a few years.
Today the same man is the man who earns millions of dollars every year in the United States and is known all over the world. Even the professors who spent their years in education began to take lessons from the man who had not received this higher education before and recommended his books. What was it that changed his life in just ten years? He only set out to accomplish it and fate brought him to success. We have to figure out the truth he's got.

We need to know. There are billions of neurons in the human nervous system. Our brain composed of neurons can process 30 billion bits of information per second. The number of potential braids or connections that can be created in any normal brain can be expressed as 1 million followed by 10 million kilometers. Each neuron in our head has a million-bit of information storage capacity. This terrible potential exists in everyone who is healthy, and we people use 1% of our potential on average. The remaining large capacity is waiting for us to use.
Edison, who owns around 200 inventors, connects 99% of the success to the study and 1% to the intelligence. Doesn't mean that intelligence is insignificant. this means that the only way of improvement is the study of intelligence.

Yes. But these advantages do not come from you are born superior. They've just become superior by working. Everyone who has been superior to history has always been superior to working solely and unmercifully; that is, they have increased their brain capacity. If you're not different from the others, if you condemn yourself not to be superior to this belief pattern that you have created throughout your life will prevent you to be superior.
- I've Always Failed Until
Edison had to wait for years to find electricity and do thousands of experiments. A US president has had to enter and lose a lot of elections in order to eventually become president. Life has always reached its goal of patience.

You have to remove the word imes failure Dağ from your vocabulary. There is no such case; There is no failure for the human being continuing the enterprise. There is only one step closer to success each time. Everything called failure is the discovery of a path that does not lead you to success. Every failure is supposed to be full of invaluable lessons for us. If you have not checked the outcome of what you have done, you will rule on your ıs failure Eğer and stop working. If you don't have a compass, your only way of success is trial and error. But now there are compasses of those who have success in your hand.

You should not only remove your word iniz Failure ”, but also change the meaning of your experience in this word amalı I've come one step closer to success”. When you make this change, you will find that this is the fact itself.
If you cannot forget this word, you must define the failure correctly. In fact, there is only one failure: to give up work, to try, to give up tek
Doing this job while others are not falling to me
If everyone thought this way, we'd be in the dark at night. People who changed our lives didn't think so. People who say that this job firstly falls to me in the first degree is the people who do it. People who differ will take responsibility immediately. Is everything you use are things that others produce? Why not you? When you say the responsibility of this job on my shoulders, you will find that you are brought to the position of leader of the work. This is a law set. It doesn't hurt that you do the work you do. If you do it, it will be more perfect. Moreover, if you use your emotions and work harder, you will be the leader of others who do the work.
There are two types of people in the world: the rulers and the rulers; and those who are motivated; those who produce thoughts and imitate the thought produced yer Those in the first grade are less than all humanity. you can only be included in the first group with a belief and perspective change.
If you still say iy I can't istem, then you should know that you don't want to do it. You mean "I don't want to do it." There is nothing that can be done for a person who knows that you can do it but does not want to do it. Our creator has never given the right and power to interfere with the preferences of people who know what they can do.

1. Review the following comments after reading the following suggestions. First, we must place the foundations of belief in the sentences of the suggestion.

a) Every day my great talents are constantly evolving.
You're going to say this to yourself a million times. Please divide yourself a few hours ago. Look at all your history. Whatever you have accomplished so far, save it in your notebook, even if you have a little experience. You'll see that you've despised, you've already accomplished great things. According to a shepherd who has no cultural and experiential accumulation in the village, you have very different accumulations. You'll tell yourself how much talent potential you have by thinking over and over again.

b) I continue to be more superior every day
You will repeat this belief millions of times. Remember, you're already saying yourself about yourself thousands of times a day. You've often told yourself that you've always uploaded your past experiences. Now you're changing the meaning of that experience, and you're telling yourself again. Think about the past of successful people. They were not born like another Martian, like a Martian. They also didn't know how to read and write before you like. They grew up in their mother's arms. In fact, we have the opportunity to be superior if you are lacking a mother's arms. The larger soldier is the victor who won the victory despite the more difficult conditions. If you suffer more poverty, illness, or suffering than people you know to be successful, your soul is more full and exciting. All of this will push you higher in order to be superior to others. You should immediately see the change that this new inner conversation brings to your feelings.

c) I continue to be more successful every day.
Please see your history. 10 years ago with you 5 years ago and compare today's. This form of comparison should settle as a habit. There should always be some points that you should be careful of. Do not fall into the horrible mistake most people have suffered. You may not have a lot of opportunities for yourself; Today, compared to yesterday you will compare with more possibilities. You are superior to you. How much is it? To see your superior points, you can look below yourself, but never look for superior points by looking at those who are superior to yourself. Otherwise, you transform the progress process into a process of decline. Only those who are superior to yourself should look only when you think about where you want to go. This look will pull you up. You should see this progress millions of times. Remember, our brain cannot distinguish our reality from the fact that we conceive in our imagination. So seeing an orphaned baby makes you sad, and imagining an orphan child. We cannot control the truth outside, but we can play as we want with the reality of our imagination, we can change it immediately. Now that we want to change, the first thing we need to do is change our dreams.

d) I am doing all the work that I have.
Is there something wrong with you? You're moving on now. If there is no problem, you should call. Because especially in this age we can not find any corner without problems. There are many tasks we can undertake. Most of the time the task is presented to us as an opportunity, even if we do not take over the task. Most people reject such opportunities by seeing them out of the chore. We need to know that every work we do doesn't have to have a monetary value immediately. The most important response is the invaluable experience. Even if you didn't do the perfect work first, no one was perfect when you first did a job.
Is it necessary to help a blind person walking on the road holding his arm? Need to be warned by a deputy? An orphan's head needs to be stroked? Do you need to make a living for your family? What more will you find? Why should someone else not do this to you? Someone else is doomed to do it alone Baş You only develop this attitude and the repetitions you carry on depending on this attitude. No job is not a chore. Even if you have a free apprenticeship, your experience will be invaluable one day and if you are looking for wages, you will find that you can be able to take the labor accumulation of the years into overnight.

Of course we do not say that you do everything right now. We call you ”whatever you desire ın and take care of every business opportunity that will support the development of your skills to become that person.

2. Follow the suggestions below after deep relaxation. Repeat every suggestion 10 times from your mind.
Orum I love my friends more every day.
Every day I have more confidence and courage. I speak with confidence every day on the stage.
3. Say the following suggestions in the seminar environment (or in another setting with your friends) out loud. First, then one by one.
Im I have confidence in myself.
Or My stance is increasing.
AratI feel the power my creator gives.
EngI'm over all obstacles.
I'm getting stronger.
-I love you all.

The very large size of suggestions creates visualization in our minds. The effect of images is hundreds of times more than words. You see yourself in your mind. You define the ideal ”you Ulaş you want to reach. You will build that person. You will establish your future. You are the hero of the movies in your dreams. What kind of roles do you give yourself? People have rehearsed their experiences before. What kind of ”you“ do you rehearse in the future?
In the image-suggestive system, you will rehearse a bir you ”who defeats his fears. In the future you will touch your dream. You will see. You will feel your smell. You will hear. You don't have to use this technique just to defeat fear and excitement. This will help you with all the skills you want to develop.

1. You are in front of Society: You will close your eyes. (Of course, open your eyes to read how it is done) You are dreaming yourself on stage. There are thousands of people. They're applauding you. Look at them. The lights are focused on you. Photo flashes explode on you. See the cameras that turn you, the cameras that take your picture. See the whole hall, the big hall. See yourself in the podium.
Hear all the sounds in your environment. The applause, the whistles, the flash explosions, the microphone in your hand Alk. "Thanks. Thank you. sağ Hear your voice. “I'm happy to be in your comfort. I love you. Sizi Your voice is fluctuating, you hear it. The environment is hot. Feel the temperature. Watch your heart. You're so calm. You have a microphone. You keep it close to your mouth and you feel it. Keep your heart calm. You're happy. You start talking with excitement. they applaud you. You see them.
See protocol queues. Heads of state and deputies are sitting there, watching you. You talk to them like you're dominating. Your head is dim. You are happy, brave, smiling. müzik (The visual animation described in this section will be applied by your seminar presenter with music)
2. Imagine yourself discussing with Bil Clinton.
3. Imagine that you are talking in an open session on the television. Experience all the details.
4. You are speaking to the deputies on the assembly stand.

Behavior-suggestion of
All of the behaviors we exhibit become part of our personality in time. They automated. If we change our behavior, we will change our emotions. Emotions and behaviors always come side by side. If you act like scared, you are afraid; If you're afraid, you'll act scared. What if you pretend you're not scared? Even if you're scared, you'll quickly see your fear disappear. Forget about your emotions and pretend not to be afraid of everything you fear. Now we're going to do some of the behaviors that the feeling of fear doesn't want to be done from the weak to the severe. We will break down the fears that actually form those patterns with the behavior patterns we demolish. However, we should be careful to do these works especially in community settings.


1. First, stand up and have a nice talk seminar as a group to applaud yourself. Stand up and say your name and surname. Applause each friend.
2. Stand in the front row by forming groups of four persons. (1 minute) How did you learn the seminar, what is your intention to participate? Everyone asks a short question to the teacher. (in every conversation clapping-shouting-loud bravo shouts)
3. Exit on a high background. Shout out the following sentences and sit down (applause).
“I am courageous. I'm confident. I'm talented like everyone.
I will achieve. Believe me, friends. Bana
4. Make a stick of newspaper paper. Stand up, hit the table again and again by strongly saying the following sentences.
“I'm destroying the obstacles inside me. I don't recognize the failure. I am so strong."
5. They discuss the following subject in two groups with hard language (sitting and standing):
”Light is more important than earth.”. Earth is more important than light “
”Knowledge increases intelligence.“ ”Knowledge increases through intelligence.“
6. First, everyone makes a laughing and yelling study by raising their voice. It then does this work in groups of four and finally one by one.
Laughing: See this hahhahhaaa, hihhihhi, look at hohhohhoo, hehhehhee
Shouting: Get out of my way. Get out. Don't let me see you, get out.
7. Walking work:
Stretching the shoulders upright, looking forward
First walk one, then two hands in the air, then hands whisper in the air and looking at the group.
Walking the whole body, walking left and right and walking
Hands behind the back (with the most ridiculous expression you can create if you find it very difficult to do this by removing the tongue)
8. Singing:
In the group environment, both singles and individual songs will be heard by mumbling, loud, sitting, in groups and one by one. (the seminar server will provide the students with the necessary parts, speech solutions)

Memory Factor

In order to influence our memory, there are four main areas that we can focus on. Our degree of dominance in these areas determines our memory power. As the main subject of our book is not konu memory training k, no detailed information will be given here. Here are the important factors:

1. Biological-Psychological Strength: Our body is concerned with our general management style. The bio-chemical equilibrium of our bodies seriously affects our memory. while the way we manage our souls also seriously affects our memory. For further information, please read the explanations in the second section of your book under the ünde Happiness Development Approach Konu.

2. Relaxation Level: the biggest memory is the enemy tension. Stress produced by tension prevents the flow of thought, slows down. The concentration decreases as the tension increases. As the concentration decreases, the memory is destroyed. If you apply deep relaxation exercises that are taught in our seminar once every day (30 minutes), you will notice a noticeable change within 20 days. (See the annex in this section) The easiest way to strengthen memory is deep relaxation.

3. Form of Faith: Do you believe your memory is bad? Your answer is haf yes emin, make sure your memory is bad. Because even if you have a super memory base, if you believe that you are not, your subtle conscience, who is your faithful friend, makes all his efforts to make your memory just the same. There is a very easy way to do this if you want to be crazy. Tell them that you are crazy every day.
How do we improve our belief that our memory is bad? In our tense and distressed days, the thought flow of our brain slows down. At that time the bad memory attracts our attention. We secretly start to worry about ourselves and tell ourselves that our memory is bad. Then our friends, who we love, send us indoctrination suggestions: güç How do you forget, you're getting older. Are you also forgetful? Don't forget that either! Lı We are conditioned to forgetfulness when we hear these words. When such words are repeated, they create suspicion first. Then they turn to blood. then they become faith. In the end, they get stronger; they become strong in faith. Ripping them out is as difficult as removing veins from the body.
If there is - consciously or unconsciously settled - you must break down such a belief immediately. Learn the causes of memory attenuation. If you think that your memory is in place and continues to evolve, you reverse the process. First you suspect your old belief. Then this doubt turns into conviction. make sure you believe you have a strong memory, and your brain will work with all its power to verify your belief.

4.Memory Techniques
To date, many scientific research has been done on memory; In particular, Western researchers have developed original memory techniques. Essentially these memory techniques are as old as the history of mankind. because in the history of people with super-memory lived. But we can say that we have a new system that everyone can use easily. By working on these techniques, you become a master of memory.
Dominic O'Brain, one of the world-renowned memory educators, is Tony Buzan. Turkey itself from the known memory techniques also heard that Malik Safi has a perfect memory by providing services to the people of Turkey has signed a very valuable service. Apart from these names, there are many names that make amazing performances with amazing memories, but the works published with the signature of these three names will enable us to be informed about the memory techniques.

A truth should be underlined. For the person who doesn't know the deep relaxation, the other two factors do not have any big activity. When you achieve deep relaxation, your brain's natural way of working does not leave you with a lot of memory techniques in normal life.

In this book we do not provide detailed information on the memory. However, some of the books on the subject can be found in the Appendix of your book. To solve the problem of recollection during a conversation, try your subject and eliminate the tension. You will see that your memory will not leave you alone and without help. Here, you will only be given a few exercises.


1. Deep Relaxation and Suppression
After making the deep relaxation described in the Appendix of your book, please repeat the following suggestions in the suggestion section.
- Every day my memory is improving.
-I remember better every day.
2. Make Sensory Animation
Rejuvenate your mind using your senses. As you develop your sensory animation with plenty of exercise, you will find that the information begins to settle in your memory more powerfully. Such exercises given in the examples below will increase your ability to see. Before you start talking, you will reinforce the information in your memory with such an animation.

Visual Animation
The image of a mother looking for the child she lost, the color properties of the image that she creates at sunrise and at dusk, the image of the light reflected in the running water, the image of a storm, your image in high school, the images of flowers, insects, cars Kay.

Auditory Animation
Thunder sounds, sounds of animals, wind, fly buzz, sound of airplane, shouting in anger, crying, laughing sounds Gök
Tactile Animation
What you hear when you slap your hand, how to feel your finger on the fire in the reflection of the iron, you squeeze your hand, if you lie on the soft bed, if you kiss the child ız what you hear.

Scan your old information
Who were your teachers at school, middle school, high school, what lessons did you take, what kind of environment did your school have, what important memories do you have? Sit down and wait for yourself to instruct them to remember them.

Phone Announcements

Phone Prompt Voiceover

IVR Voiceover

English Voice Over

German Voice Over

French Voice Over

Voice Bank